Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Halfway to Paperback

If my calculations are correct, The Only True God has already sold about half the number of copies in the first print run. If the first print run sells out within the first three years, the book will be re-released as a more affordable paperback. And so I thought I'd update readers, since I know that some of you are eagerly awaiting a paperback edition. We're making good progress!

Thank you to everyone who has bought the book, reviewed it on their blog and/or, or recommended it for purchase to their local library.

Here are some areas where it could be doing better: On WorldCat it shows that there is only one library that has it in Australia, only three in the UK, two in the Netherlands, and none elsewhere in Europe. Where are the Germans, French, Belgians and Scandinavians who are working on the subjects of monotheism and Christology? (For some reason, the book is approximately half a Euro cheaper on than

I particularly expect readers from New Zealand (I know you're out there!) to be indignant that there are apparently no copies in libraries in their country, and make a concerted effort to excel Australia in this regard! I know you've been busy trying to change your national anthem, but this is important too! :-)